Deadline for submitting an abstract: 19 January 2025

The Conference will consist of several workshops and sessions covering multiple themes. Students are encouraged to present work or projects in mathematics in the following themes but not limited to.

  • Group Presentations are welcome
  • Full audiovisual technology will be available
  • The official language of the conference is ENGLISH

The themes of interest for EUROMATH are: 

  • Applications of mathematics
  • Mathematics and sciences
  • Mathematics and life
  • Mathematics and social sciences
  • Mathematics and technology
  • Mathematics and space
  • Fractals and geometry
  • Mathematics and economy
  • Mathematics and literature
  • Mathematics and nature
  • Famous numbers
  • Communication of mathematics 
  • Mathematics and music
  • Mathematics and law
  • Mathematics and statistics
  • History of mathematics
  • Mathematics and society
  • Mathematics and Europe
  • Mathematics and philosophy 
  • Mathematics and computer science
  • Mathematics and theatre
  • Mathematics and sports


The themes of interest for EUROSCIENCE are:  

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Computer Science
  • Medicine
  • Geography
  • Engineering
  • Robotics
  • Mobile devices
  • Cyber Security
  • Online & Distance Communications
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • All technologies

Presentatation duration: 15 minutes


Proposed Workshops, Symposiums, Sessions or Exhibitions within the Conference are welcome.

Workshop duration: 45 minutes (except otherwise requested)


Instructions on How-to prepare your EUROMATH & EUROSCIENCE abstract can be found here
To submit an abstract click here