How-to prepare your abstract.
- All abstracts must be at most 250 words.
- The abstract is written on a single column A4 page.
- The language to be used is English.
- The font must be ARIAL.
- The title must be center alignment using ARIAL 14-point type, CAPITALS, BOLD SINGLE SPACE.
- Leave one blank line and then type the author(s) name(s) using ARIAL 12 pt, BOLD.
- Underline the name of the presenting author.
- Directly below type the affiliation, address and email for each author using ARIAL 10 pt. Use asterisks (*, **, ***) to correspond the name to his/her address.
- Leave four blank lines after the affiliation and address and type the word ABSTRACT using ARIAL 12 pt, CAPITALS, BOLD, CENTRED.
- Leave one blank line and type the abstract using ARIAL 11 pt, SINGLE SPACING.
EUROMATH ABSTRACTS - Click Here to submit your abstract
EUROSCIENCE ABSTRACTS - Click Here to submit your abstract
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